September 14th, 1:00 AM -- T-Pain Takes On The Holy Land is born. Throughout the course of the year, I will be updating my blog on a regular basis to recount and depict my experiences for my family and friends to give them an up close and personal view of my life abroad, Israel's culture, and above all Israeli food.

12 days into the program, I finally realized it was time to start my own blog as my other friends were already cooking in terms of blog progress. That being said, I will go back and post about my prior experiences, so for a short time the posts will not be as recent, but I will be sure to mark the approximate date of the event for good measure.

Day 1 - September 1/2
As I got onto the plane to go to Israel, all I could think about was Burgers Bar. Well, there were many other things on my mind such as G'vina L'vana (white cheese), Moshiko (shawarma), Shoko B'Sakit (chocolate milk in a bag), etc. But no seriously, other than food, I was getting ready to immerse myself in a foreign, yet familiar culture; my second home away from home, of course including my beautiful summer escape at Camp Ramah in Canada. For a young American kid, discovering his true Yiddishkite side, I clipped my kippah to my head, donned my tzitzit, helped form a Maariv minyan, and was ready to go. Yerushalayim, Ir Hakoidesh!

After meeting numerous kids in the airport, on the plane, and in the customs line, I knew things were going to be great, and especially after watching The Hangover and Bruno on the plane, I knew I was prepped for my journey.

One thing they don't tell you is how much nicer Beit Nativ is than the silly "Chavat Ha'Noar Ha'Tzioni" that they make you stay at on Ramah Seminar. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Ethiopians and Russians at the youth village, but I think Beit Nativ is just a little bit better. It's a guest house, really a small hotel, and nicer than anything I could have imagined.

Room 622, house of Seth Lerman, Adam Parritz, and Tyler Silver (aka T. Silvs aka The Silver Sauce aka T-Pain (as coined by Seth himself)) is the nicest room on campus because of our nasty porch...we don't call it a balcony anymore. We have a bird's eye view of the "quad", if you want to call it that, can see out to the street, and have tons of space for my crap to be scattered.

After meeting our staff, Noah and Cori, meeting the Yerucham kids, and eating dinner (where I cordially screwed up Birkat out loud), it was time to unpack, chill, and go to bed. Wow was I tired, and wow was I at home. Little did I know, it would only take a matter of days to feel comfortable, if not more comfortable, than I had ever felt in a place I had only been one other time in my life. You see, Israel's not just a vacation spot, a cool tourist attraction, or a Jewish country surrounded by enemies, defending themselves 24/7 (Yes, even on Shabbos), just to get by. Israel is a home, my home.

T-Pain Takes On The Holy Land...


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